Work Cited


-Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


-Mona Lisa- Tate Modern(London)


-Fountain-private collection


-The Large Glass-located at Philadelphia Museum of Art (109''x69'')


-Bicycle Wheel-private collection


-The Elephant Celebes-Tate Gallery, (London) (49.37''×42.48'')


-Ubu Imperator- Center Georges Pompidou,Musee National d'Art Moderne(Paris) (38 3/8''x31 7/8'')


-Little Machine-Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy(19.45'' × 12.4'')


-Europe After the Rain 2-USA(54cm x 146cm)


-Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife-Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin(144cmx90cm)


-Untitled Collage-Museum of Modern Art (USA)(19 1/8'' x 13 5/8")

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